Do people who love to laugh get depressed?


Most people believe that people who love to laugh have a sunny personality and do not suffer from depression.

In fact, depression has clinical manifestations such as depressed mood, depression or depression, decreased or even absent interest, and loss of happiness, but there are also patients whose external manifestations are "smiling depression", which is a popular term that refers to people with depressive emotions who hide their depressive side and wear a smile mask to make people think that they are living happily, resulting in depressive symptoms that are difficult to detect. Such patients have difficulty in receiving help from outside sources in a timely manner, and are more likely to fall into isolation and helplessness.

Low self-esteem and low self-esteem are the basis of personality that may lead to depression, and such patients are very concerned about what others say about themselves, and they are obviously very painful in their hearts, but they pretend to be very happy on the surface, and try their best to maintain a more perfect external image. In addition, people with depression often have a strong sense of stigma, so they will desperately hide and cover up, which often leads to the patient's energy in a state of extreme consumption.

However, relatives and friends who are close to the patient and often interact with them can still detect some clues, such as changing from lively and outgoing to taciturn, from positive and optimistic to hesitant, and even feel that life is not interesting; Closes oneself in an environmental space for a long time and likes to be alone; When depression is severe, mobility will become sluggish, concentration on things will also decrease, and appetite will be lost; Some people with depression will confide in relatives and friends and send distress signals before committing suicide. When a patient is found to be showing signs of depression, relatives and friends around him should intervene in time and accompany them to the hospital for psychological evaluation and diagnosis.

How to recognize depression?

The most critical cause of depression is lack of motivation and anhedonia, just like a train that loses fuel and power unit, causing patients to be unable to maintain their original state of life. In severe cases, the patient's life comes to a standstill, not only can he not maintain his advanced social work ability, but also has problems with basic physiological states such as diet and sleep, and even produces mental symptoms and wants to commit suicide.

The symptoms of depression are diverse, ever-changing, and vary greatly from person to person, but they can be broadly grouped into the following categories.

  • Depressed mood: This is the most central symptom, which is mainly manifested as a significant and persistent depressed mood and pessimistic state of mind, ranging in severity from severity. Mild patients will feel depressed, unpleasant, and lack of interest, while severe patients will feel pessimistic and hopeless, living like years, and suffering from life.
  • Thinking disorders: Patients often feel that their thinking is slow, their brains are empty, their reactions are slow, and they are unable to remember things. The content of thinking is pessimistic and negative, and in severe cases, patients even have delusions and other mental symptoms, such as suspicion that they are seriously ill due to physical discomfort, and may also have relationship delusions, poverty delusions, victimization delusions, etc., and some patients may also have hallucinations, often auditory hallucinations.
  • Decreased volitional activity: manifested by a lack of willingness and motivation to do things. For example, living a lazy life, unwilling to socialize, being alone for a long time, and neglecting personal hygiene in serious cases, even not speaking, moving, or eating. Cognitive impairment: mainly manifested by memory loss, decreased concentration or difficulty studying, always recalling unhappy things in the past, or always thinking about pessimistic things.
  • Somatic symptoms: Common symptoms include sleep disturbances, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, constipation, pain (anywhere on the body), loss of libido, impotence, amenorrhea, and autonomic dysfunction.