How to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible mushrooms?


Mushrooms are a rare delicacy, but many are poisonous, how to tell the difference between them

Due to the different toxic components of various types of poisonous mushrooms, it is difficult to identify all poisonous mushrooms in a specific way, and the following methods are commonly used for general identification

1. Comparison method

With the help of a colorful mushroom atlas suitable for local use, it is a good way to identify local edible mushrooms or poisonous mushrooms one by one.

Purchase reminder: In order to sell well and extend the "freshness period", illegal traders even use brighteners to brew mushrooms.

2. Look at the shape

Poisonous mushrooms are generally sticky and slippery, and the cap is often stained with debris or patches like patches. There is often a bacterial ring on the stem (as if wearing a miniskirt). The poisonous mushroom cap is convex in the center, strange in shape, thick and hard, with a fungus wheel on the stalk, and the fungus support rod is slender or thick and easy to break. Non-toxic mushrooms rarely have bacterial rings. The cap of the non-toxic mushroom is flat, the umbrella surface is smooth, the fungus surface is wheelless, and the lower part is sterile.

3. Look at the color

Poisonous mushrooms are mostly golden, pink, white, black, green, inky black, cyan and other colors. Especially purple ones are often highly toxic. Non-toxic mushrooms are mostly coffee, lilac or gray-red. Poisonous mushrooms are brightly colored,

4. Smell

Poisonous mushrooms have potato or radish flavors. Poisonous mushrooms have strange odors such as spicy, sourness. Smell of foul and fishy. Non-toxic mushrooms have a bitter apricot or fruit flavor. Non-toxic mushrooms have a special aroma.

5. Look at the secretions

Tear off the stalks of the picked fresh wild mushrooms, the non-toxic secretions are clear as water, some are white, and the surface of the fungus is torn off and does not change color; The toxic discharge is thick, russet in color, and easily discolored in the air after tearing.

Special reminder: if you are not sure that the mushroom is non-toxic, do not eat, if you accidentally eat toxic mushrooms, you should take effective measures such as vomiting, gastric lavage, laxative and other effective measures in time to deal with it, and send it to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment in time.

6. Look at the growth zone

Edible non-toxic mushrooms mostly grow in clean grass or pine and oak trees, and poisonous mushrooms tend to grow in dark, moist and dirty areas.

7. Test

When picking wild mushrooms, you can use green onions to rub on the mushroom cover, if the green onions turn greenish brown, it proves to be poisonous, on the contrary, it is not toxic if it does not change color.

8. Cooking test

When cooking wild mushrooms, put a few cord grass, a little garlic or rice to cook together, the mushrooms are cooked, the wick grass turns bluish green or purple green is poisonous, yellow is non-toxic; Garlic or rice is toxic if it changes color, but it is not toxic if it remains its original color without changing color. Put the mushroom in water and cook it while putting ginger, if the ginger turns black, the mushroom is poisonous, and if it does not change color, it is not poisonous.

9. Chemical identification

Take the suspected mushrooms collected or bought, remove their juices, soak them with paper, and immediately add a drop of dilute hydrochloric acid or white vinegar to them, if the paper turns red or blue, it is poisonous.