How to improve bad breath?


Can not rely on hygiene habits, bad breath is indeed a disease, 80%~90% of bad breath is related to microbial metabolism in the mouth. Fundamentally, preventing bad breath from occurring is by regulating the composition of oral microorganisms.
Bad breath is also elegantly called "bad mouth" or "breath". Bad breath doesn't necessarily all come from the mouth, it can also come from the nasal cavity, but the vast majority comes from the mouth. No matter where it comes from, the stench emitted will be annoying and embarrassing, especially when you see others covering their noses and twisting their heads silently away. Bad breath not only makes others dare not approach, knowing that after their bad breath will also affect their courage to communicate with people closely, it is inevitable to have an inferiority complex for a long time, and ultimately, affect normal interpersonal relationships and emotional communication.

Bad breath is also a disease

Bad breath is actually a disease, and there are specialized doctors to diagnose it. Professionally trained halitosis nasal testers measure the degree of halitosis by smelling the patient's breath and using a 1~5 point scale. Imagine this scene, it feels quite embarrassing for the doctor, smelling these stenches every day.

To evaluate the state of bad breath, the rhinologist is very accurate, but there are also specialized instruments. There are special electronic noses to test for bad breath, but in fact, volatile sulfides such as hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, etc. are tested. Sulfur-containing compounds are a class of gases that cause bad breath, and the severity of bad breath is assessed by measuring their levels. Breath measuring instrument is to use the principle of chemical reaction, to digitally represent the PPB concentration of such sulfides in the mouth, blow a breath can know how smelly it is, which is really useful for doctors, can greatly reduce the toxic gas damage to doctors.

Epidemiological findings have found that the incidence of halitosis is still high. According to statistics, the incidence of halitosis in the Chinese group has reached 27.5%, those Western countries that love meat, the incidence of halitosis is as high as 50%, and a number of surveys from different countries and regions show that about 65% of people have suffered from halitosis. Chewing gum also originally came from Western countries, which may be related to their high proportion of bad breath patients. In addition, Westerners also have a high proportion of fox odor people, two "smelly" superimposed, absolutely violent, Westerners use perfume a lot may also be for these reasons.

Causes of bad breath

The difference in the smell of bad breath may correspond to different causes, such as sour odor due to digestive problems, such as indigestion and gastritis; The rancid smell is a problem with the liver; Rotten apple flavor may be ketoacidosis; Ammonia odor is mostly kidney patients. Depending on the composition and nature of the exhaled breath helps in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Whatever the cause, bad breath is a sign of unhealthy health, and if you don't pay attention, it can cause a series of diseases over time.

According to statistics, 80%~90% of bad breath is related to amine compounds produced by microorganisms metabolizing proteins and amino acids in the oral cavity, such as ammonia, indole, skatomine (fecal odor), cadaverine amine (corpse odor) and putrescine (putrefactive odor), as well as volatile sulfides, such as hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smell), methyl mercaptan (rotten cabbage smell) and dimethyl sulfide (rotten kelp smell).

According to statistics, 80%~90% of bad breath is related to amine compounds produced by microorganisms metabolizing proteins and amino acids in the oral cavity, such as ammonia, indole, skatomine (fecal odor), cadaverine amine (corpse odor) and putrescine (putrefactive odor), as well as volatile sulfides, such as hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg smell), methyl mercaptan (rotten cabbage smell) and dimethyl sulfide (rotten kelp smell).

Small molecule gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide can freely enter and exit blood vessels and mucosal tissues, and no matter where the odor is produced in the body, it can quickly enter the bloodstream and reach the alveoli with blood circulation. When gas exchange occurs, it is easy to exhale with carbon dioxide, or it can run directly out of the oral mucosa, no matter where it goes out, eventually, it will cause bad breath. The production of these odors is related to the breakdown of specific amino acids by specific bacteria, such as hydrogen sulfide from the breakdown of cysteine by some bacteria, and methanethiol from the breakdown of methionine by certain bacteria. Several bacteria—Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema tartar, Tannella, and Solobacterium moorei—are often present in the mouths of patients with periodontitis and bad breath. The first two bacteria can produce hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan, and the amount of hydrogen sulfide produced is 10 times more than that of ordinary bacteria. The last bacterium, which has not yet Chinese name, also produces hydrogen sulfide and is found in all halitosis patients, while only 14% of non-halitosis patients carry the bacteria.

How is the stench produced?

If you want to produce a large odor, you need a three-industry prerequisite, protein or amino acids when you are born, and when you can decompose them to produce odor bacteria, you can also anaerobic the environment. Protein or amino acids are from the mouth food residues, such as shredded meat between the teeth, or from the mouth itself, because the mouth is actually part of the meat. For bacteria is to say, they do not care whether some meat is from food or from the body, and the mouth has shed cells, necrotic tissues, etc. can become bacterial food.

Therefore, patients suffering from gingivitis, bleeding gums and periodontitis, bad breath is relatively serious, but because bacteria will digest and decompose those body cells sacrificed due to inflammation to produce odor. In particular, periodontitis in severe cases, periodontitis has begun to appear in patients with periodontal pockets, the deeper the periodontal pockets, the deeper the bacteria are hidden, the lower the concentration of oxygen, the easier it is to produce odor, and the worse the halitosis.

It can also produce a phenomenon, then the tongue moss of halitosis patients is often thicker. When the tongue moss is actually large, it is composed of large bacteria in the tongue, and the oral cavity is composed of exfoliated cells, white blood cells, metabolites, etc. The degree of bad breath is closely related to the thickness of the tongue, the thicker the tongue, the easier it is to form an anaerobic environment, and the more conducive to the growth of anaerobic bacteria. In patients with bad breath, the variety of thick tongue moss large bacteria has increased significantly, and the color of the tongue is also slightly substantive. Can study is specifically analyzed to suffer from gastritis yellow tongue moss large micro composition, the result is now 13 gastritis patients yellow tongue moss in the detection of bacillus, and healthy subjects in a reasonable. When it can be meaningful, when the treatment of spleen and stomach disease with raw seeds is traditional in medicine (half-summer laxin soup) treatment after two industry courses, some patients have tongue moss color to return to normal, classmates, tongue moss in the bacillus also disappeared to be, tongue flora composition is closer to health. It can be seen that Bacillus is very useful when the tongue is yellow because of the cause, or when the tongue moss is in the special ability to produce bacteria.

Bad breath does not appear only for a while. Children can also have bad breath, and children who have been exposed to a few autistic children, they can have bad breath in many of them. It can be studied that children's halitosis is also caused by oral flora activity, and it is observed that halitosis children have tongue flora and species diversity is higher than that of normal children, and their saliva flora composition is also with normal children, and some of the upper flora are mainly caused by producing more and consuming less hydrogen sulfide. By analyzing some bacterial genes, which are now associated with terpenoids and polyketone metabolism as infectious diseases, children with bad breath can be more expressed.

Diseases can also cause bad breath

As mentioned earlier, diseases can also cause bad breath. We noticed early on that Helicobacter pylori infected animals exhaled a bad odor in the air. The upper odor can be made since Helicobacter pylori itself has the ability to decompose urease, urea produces ammonia.

In addition, abnormal digestive system in the whole industry will also lead to odor production, such as Helicobacter pylori infection or other reasons caused by esophageal inflammation, erosion, ulcer or stenosis, duodenal ulcer, gastritis, gastric ulcer, digestive good, inflammatory enteritis, etc., will cause food management gastrointestinal in the drainage between too long, bacteria anaerobic environment decomposition to produce a variety of odorous gases.

If the food has entered the intestine, because the intestine has a greater number of micro-substances, food residues have more protein in the residue, and after the decomposition of micro-substances, there will be a right amount of odor, because the liver detoxification to use, some toxic gases will be catabolized by the liver, but if the rectum is in the middle, the feces stay too long between studies, and constipation will occur from time to time, micro-matter decomposition produces odor will be metabolized by the liver directly into the blood, and then released from the mouth, causing halitosis. Studies can indeed show that constipation suffers from a higher rate of bad breath. The intestines of patients with constipation are also disordered in the flora, and the number of bifidobacteria is significantly reduced when the beneficial bacteria are particularly good, while the number of pathogenic bacteria is significantly increased, and the production of short-chain fatty acids in the intestine is reduced.

Some metabolic diseases, such as nutritional obesity, type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, etc. can cause bad breath, due to the patient's long-term intake of high-fat and high-protein diet, intake of dietary fiber is less, resulting in a full nutrition of the intestinal flora, short-chain fatty acid synthesis is reduced, and then cause a decrease in the content of short-chain fatty acids in the mouth, and eventually cause bad breath

Kidney function is complete, the patient's breath is energetic, ammonia, irritating odor, trimethylamine can also cause bad breath. It is also worth noting that bad breath can also be produced, then chronic tonsillitis patients, upper patients palatine tonsillar crypt is particularly easy to accumulate and shed large skin cells, keratin debris, etc., to provide anaerobic bacteria to measure the food to develop a good environment, on some bacteria digest and decompose proteins after producing odorous substances caused by bad breath.

Because the upper industry place is very hidden, it cannot be removed by brushing teeth, gargling, etc., and the tonsils that can accumulate "debris" to form stones, but when you can learn that the stones will run out on their own, then bad breath will suddenly disappear since this person. If a "smelly source" is determined to be from the tonsil crypt for a while, but people take a cotton swab to sort the internal tonsils of the mouth The position is to wipe back a few times, and then take out is smell when smelling can smell for a while, if it can smell, then people can try to squeeze the birth with their hands, and drive out the "smelly source" inside.

Food medication causes bad breath

In addition to mentioning some of the reasons in a big way, you can also have some bad breath and have a relationship with microscopic substances in the mouth. For example, some patients will have bad breath after taking dimethyl sulfide, quinine and antihistamine phenothiazide drugs, and the drug will produce a pungent odor in the body and a normal reaction, which can disappear after stopping the drug. In addition, energy sulfides such as leeks, garlic, and stinky tofu are irritating foods, and vitamin deficiency, mental tension and anxiety can also cause bad breath.

How to avoid bad breath?

So how to avoid bad breath? Fundamentally, by adjusting the composition of the oral cavity micro-matter can prevent bad breath this has. Starting from the 3 necessary conditions for causing bad breath, people can greatly reduce or eliminate bad breath from the root. For example, reduce meat intake, avoid smoking, alcohol, use less anti-vegetarian, develop good defecation habits, and stay up less late. In the most direct way, the most direct way is also to carry out the correct energy efficiency every morning and evening to brush teeth, floss, scrape the tongue with a toothbrush or curettage, keep the mouth and tongue guarded, must be a school wait, the Chinese stomatology department can not be treated, repair caries, maintain the overall health of the mouth. In addition, it is also important to reduce bad breath and maintain oral health in order to reduce the diet. Such as omega-3 rich foods to reduce periodontal inflammation; Zinc also works to promote RNA synthesis, helping periodontal self-restoration; Poretinol D prevents alveolar bone loss.

Bad breath is also a modern disease, and ancient people are also plagued by bad breath. The Qing Dynasty's birth word is called Lu Qiuke, and he wrote the essential life story "Yue Mei Ci Acaci Erling", in which he wrote, "Cherries are delicate, and Fan Su is ordinary." He frequently contains chicken tongue, like Hui Lanfang. The seat blows the reed. Slowly moulting to merchants. The evening is a moonlit wardrobe, whispering side by side with fragrant." Imagine giving birth, a beautiful woman playing the flute, but she had a bad breath, a wonderful flute sound accompanied by hydrogen sulfide rotten egg stink, live performance to feel that life is determined for a while is particularly wonderful. Through "frequent chicken tongue", in the doctor said "chicken tongue fragrance", just when "cloves" is used to eliminate bad breath, people can increase the interest of playing, but people can reach the effect of "whispering side by side with fragrant".

The ancient use of cloves to make "chewing gum" can also give birth to the country of Koyi Dao, cloves contain eugenol, the fragrance substance eugenol, the main work of the substance is antibacterial, inhibiting the oral odor production microscopic matter. In addition to using cloves, you can also chew pepper, cubeb and konjac paste leaves, some of which contain special fragrance and antibacterial effect. In fact, it is big, it should be learned, and for a while everything chews "chewing gum", cloves are still a product, the price should be very expensive, only those who are dignitary and can afford to use it in a wealthy society. They can have strong social needs, and they should have more friends around them when they open their mouths. In addition, the large-level taxis pay great attention to etiquette, and it is very helpful to take care of the occasion when freshness is born. It is said that after the Li Han Dynasty, the incense of chicken tongue has become a metaphorical point for the official of the Li Dynasty. And now, chewing gum has been a normal move.

Maintain a good breath, chew gum is enough, it is best to start from the root and solve the problem of bad breath from the root. Chewing gum, using "oral perfume" or sterilizing mouthwashes will not solve the underlying problem. Especially when sterilizing mouthwash, and one is recommended, unless the doctor has recommended you must use it in particular.

Some common antibacterial drugs, such as chlorhexidine, cipirium chloride, trichloride, hydrogen peroxide chlorine dioxide, etc., although people can temporarily learn to drive away oral odor, but students will also kill the oral cavity without a glance, destroy the balance of oral microbodies, and eventually, aggravate bad breath.

In addition, the production of some beneficial bacteria, such as some Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus salivaria, etc., also improves the composition of oral flora, improves the effect of periodontal treatment, and improves bad breath