Introduce some trivia about life


First:Cooking instructions

1. When stir-frying, do not add cold water, cold water will make the dish old and hard and not delicious, and the dish stir-fried with boiling water is crisp and tender.

2. When stir-frying lotus root, add some water while stir-frying to prevent the lotus root from turning black.

3. When scrambling eggs, one egg and a tablespoon of warm water stirred well, it will not be fried, and the amount of scrambled eggs is large, soft and delicious.

4. Before putting tofu in the pot, you can first dip it in boiling water for a quarter of an hour, so that the smell of swill can be removed.

5. Stewed fish in cold water has no fishy smell, and should be added enough water at one time, if you add water halfway, it will dilute the umami of the original juice.

6. When steaming fish or steaming meat, wait for the water in the steamer to boil and then go to the drawer, which can make the fish or meat suddenly encounter high temperature steam and immediately shrink, the internal fresh juice does not flow out, and the taste is delicious and shiny after cooking.

7. When boiling bone broth, do not add raw water halfway through, so as to avoid the sudden drop in the temperature of the soup leading to rapid coagulation of protein and fat, affecting nutrition and taste.

8. When frying poached eggs, when the yolk is about to solidify, you can pour a tablespoon of cold boiled water to make the eggs yellow and tender after cooking, and the color and taste are good.

9. When boiling lard, first put a small amount of water in the pot, and then put the cut lard in, so that the boiled oil is bright in color without impurities.

Second: Use vinegar in life

1. It is easy to get motion sickness when going out, such as drinking vinegar water that is not very sour, which can refresh the spirit and reduce the symptoms of motion sickness.

2. For insomnia, you can pour a tablespoon of vinegar into cold boiled water, stir well and drink, you can fall asleep quickly. The effect is better if the same amount of honey is added.

3. If someone faints, the handkerchief can be soaked in vinegar and covered on the nose of the fainting person to stimulate the patient's wakefulness.

4. The newly purchased porcelain tableware, tea sets, wine utensils, put into 10% vinegar water and boil for two or three hours before use, which can remove the trace amount of aluminum contained in the new porcelain and avoid aluminum poisoning from harming the body.

5. When cooking aquatic products crab and jellyfish, soak in 1% vinegar for one hour to prevent food poisoning caused by Halophilus.

6. Boiled peanut rice or soybeans in vinegar is a delicacy for patients with high blood lipids, obesity, hypertension and coronary heart disease, and has the effect of lowering lipids and blood pressure.

7. Feast and drink, if you feel that the chest is full of bloating, you can use 50ml of vinegar and add water to 100ml to dilute and take it to increase gastric acid and promote digestion.

8. Those who drink too much alcohol and are already drunk can take 100 to 200 ml of 50% vinegar to relieve alcohol poison and nourish the liver and kidneys.

9. Tableware after meals, if 1% vinegar is boiled and disinfected, it can prevent viral hepatitis, dysentery and other infectious diseases.

10. Vinegar is an essential condiment for home cooking. Add two drops of white wine and a little salt to the vinegar to make balsamic vinegar. When cooking meat or potatoes, it is easy to stew with a small amount of vinegar and tastes good. Adding a little vinegar to the sweet porridge when cooking it can make the sweet porridge sweeter.

11. When polishing shoes, drop a drop of vinegar to make the leather shoes bright and durable: copper and aluminum are old, and after cleaning with vinegar, you can restore the luster; 20 minutes before slaughtering the chicken and duck, pour a tablespoon of vinegar into the chicken and duck, and plucking the feathers will be a breeze.

12. The paint on the glass should be wiped off after being soaked with vinegar; After washing the silk, soak it in clean water with a small amount of vinegar for a few minutes, dry it and shine like new: where the woolen clothes are polished, wipe it with 50% vinegar water, and then iron it with a damp cloth, and the bright spots will disappear.

13. Vinegar also has disinfection and sterilization effect. Cold vegetables mixed with vinegar are hygienic and refreshing; Steaming the room with vinegar can kill bacteria and prevent influenza; Use 40% vinegar aqueous solution every day, wash hair after heating to prevent hair loss, excessive dandruff; Mixing lime powder with vinegar and applying to the armpits twice a day can treat fox odor.

Third: The magic of residual tea

1. Wet tea leaves can remove the fishy smell and green onion flavor in the container.

2. You can boil tea eggs, its taste is fragrant and very delicious.

3. Scrubbing greasy pots and bowls, wood, bamboo tables and chairs with residual tea leaves can make the item more polished.

4. Dry the residual tea leaves and spread them in a humid place to remove moisture.

5. After the residual tea leaves are dried, they can also be put into the pillowcase as a pillow core, and the pillow is very soft.

6. Sprinkle tea leaves on carpets or road blankets, and then use a broom to remove them, the tea leaves can take away all the dust.

7. After immersing the residual tea leaves in water for several days, pouring them on the roots of plants can promote plant growth.

8. Residual tea leaves can also feed freshly emerged silkworms.

9. Dry the residual tea leaves and put them in the toilet or ditch to burn, which can eliminate the stench and have the function of repelling mosquito ropes.

Fourth: The magic of salt

1. If you want to make the flowers bloom more brightly, just pour a little salt water in the pot.

2. Washing chilblains with salt water can relieve itching.

3. Drink a glass of light salt water in the morning to help smooth stool.

4. Rubbing salt water on the skin burned by boiling water can reduce pain.

5. Use salt to wipe off the black spots on the copperware.

6. When bathing, put some salt in the water to treat skin diseases.

7. When frying food, put a little salt into the oil pan, and the oil will not splash outward.

8. When boiling the shelled egg, put some salt in the water, and the egg white will not flow out.

9. Mash the carrot and mix some salt to wipe the blood off the clothes.

10. In order to prevent the clothes from fading when washing, you can put some salt in the water.

11. Every morning, the mouth contains a light salt water, which can clean the mouth, eliminate bad breath, reduce swollen gums and bleeding, and help treat periodontitis.

12. When washing fruits, first rub off the stains on the surface of the fruit, then soak the fruit in salt water, and then rinse it after half an hour, you can eat it with confidence.

13. When the small tongue in the throat is red, swollen and drooping, it can be treated with salt to reduce throat discomfort.

14. Washing eyes with light salt water and green tea or chrysanthemum flowers can make acute conjunctivitis with redness, swelling, heat and pain quickly improve.

15. Boil water with salt and pepper or eggplant root, soak the feet, can treat beriberi, and have a certain effect on reducing swelling and itching of hand and foot frostbite.

16. Soaking your feet in hot salt soup, or ironing your back with fried salt, has a certain pain-relieving effect on rheumatic muscles and bone diseases.

17. Although there is no pesticide pollution of insects and vegetables, the insects on the leaves are very difficult to wash, as long as the vegetables are removed and soaked in light salt water for 3-5 minutes, the insects will automatically fall into the water.

18. When cleaning the sticky matter on the surface of oyster mushrooms, soak oyster mushrooms in light salt water for about 5 minutes, and then gently scrub along the mushroom pattern with a fine soft clean cloth.

19. It is difficult to preserve tofu in summer, but dissolving salt in water and boiling, and immersing tofu in brine after cooling can make tofu last for a long time.

20. Before frying the fish, put the fish in salted water and wash it, the fish will not have earthy and fishy smell.

21. The newly bought dishes or glasses are first boiled in salted water, and they are not easy to break later.

22. After the kitchen knife is blunt, soak the knife in salt water for about half an hour, and then pour salt water on the grinding stone while grinding, which can make the blade sharp and durable.

Fifth: The magic of milk

1. Remove the fishy smell: Soak the fish in milk for a while before frying the fish, which can not only remove the fishy, but also enhance the good taste.

2. Make frozen fish: When making frozen fish, adding some milk to the soup will make the taste of the fish fresher.

3. Remove garlic smell: Drinking a glass of milk can eliminate the garlic smell left in the mouth.

4. Remove wine stains: If there are wine stains left on the white shirt, you can wipe them with boiled milk to remove the stains.

5. Remove fruit traces: Smelly milk can remove fruit traces on flower clothes, apply milk to the traces, and wash with clean water after a few hours.

6. Remove ink stains: if the clothes are stained with ink stains, first wash with clean water, then wash with milk, and then wash with dish soap, that is, remove.

7, to rust: clothes hung on nails, or stained with rust, is difficult to wash off, if the rust first, soaked with boiling water, coated with sour milk, in the soap, you can wash clean.

8. Eliminate eye swelling: get up in the morning and the eyelids are swollen, mix with milk and a little vinegar and boiling water, and then rub it repeatedly on the eyelids with a cotton ball dipped in a cotton ball for 5 minutes, and then cover it with a hot towel, and the swelling will soon subside.

9. Make hard shoe polish soft: open shoe polish for a long time, will become hard and difficult to use again, such as adding a few drops of fresh milk to it, shoe polish will become soft, and it is still the same as new shoe polish.

10. Treatment of minor burns: Applying boiled milk to the affected area can quickly eliminate the burning pain caused by burns and scalds.

Sixth: The magic of toothpaste

1. Wipe the faucet with a cloth dipped in toothpaste to make the faucet shiny as new.

2. Brush the basin and bathtub with a sponge dipped in toothpaste, the effect is very good.

3. After dipping some toothpaste with a cotton cloth, gently wipe the yellowed white furniture to restore the color of the furniture as new.

4. Use a warm damp rag to soften the scorch on the stove, then use a nylon dish cloth dipped in toothpaste to brush the dirt vigorously, and then wipe it clean with a clean cloth.

5. After cooking the fish, there is still a fishy smell on the hands, you may wish to squeeze some toothpaste on your hands to scrub, the fishy smell can be eliminated immediately.

6. Hard-to-wash oil stains such as cooking oil, signature pen oil, car wax or engine oil on your hands, which can be removed by scrubbing with toothpaste.

7. The cuffs and collars of clothes are more difficult to wash, and the effect is extraordinary when applied to the stain with toothpaste and repeatedly scrubbed.

8. White sneakers often turn yellow after wearing for a long time, first treat with special cleaning agent, and then brush with a toothbrush, rinse with water, and the sneakers can be as white as new.

9. The reflective screen of the flashlight will turn yellow after too long, apply toothpaste to it, and after 3~5 minutes, gently wipe it with a silk cloth to make it bright as new.