microbes in the gut


The intestine is the largest micro-ecosystem in the human body, in which the number of "resident" bacteria even exceeds the number of the body's own cells. If the bacteria in a person's gut were connected, they would be able to circle the earth two and a half times.

The bacteria in the intestines can be divided into three major categories: beneficial bacteria, harmful bacteria and neutral bacteria that can cause disease under certain conditions. On weekdays, each of them has its own "territory" to maintain dynamic balance and the intestines are in a healthy state. If the internal and external environment of the body changes, when there are more harmful bacteria than beneficial bacteria and the bacterial flora is imbalanced, problems will occur in intestinal health. Scientific research has found that more than 50 diseases, including obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cancer, allergies, leukemia, autism, Parkinson's disease, and depression, are related to intestinal flora imbalance. Therefore, intestinal flora is known as the "barometer" of human health.

It can be seen that the key to maintaining the balance of intestinal flora is beneficial bacteria. Beneficial bacteria, or probiotics, refer to live microbial preparations that are beneficial to the health of the host (human or animal) when taken in appropriate doses. This concept is jointly defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). According to the survey, 43.1% of people do not know what probiotics are; only 17.4% of people regularly supplement probiotics to maintain intestinal health.

Probiotics can be broadly divided into three categories: lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, and gram-positive cocci. In addition, some yeasts can also be classified as probiotics. Among all probiotics, bifidobacteria are the best, followed by lactobacilli, which are the "peacekeepers" of intestinal health.

In 1889, French scientists isolated Bifidobacterium from the feces of breastfed babies for the first time. Later, through exploratory experiments by many scholars, it was confirmed that Bifidobacterium is the most beneficial probiotic in the intestinal tract and has many benefits for human health. benefit. Bifidobacteria can fight infections. If the number of Bifidobacteria in the intestines dominates, the chance of human infection will be greatly reduced; in the face of bacteria and viruses, Bifidobacteria can activate the human immune system; Bifidobacteria can Synthesizing B vitamins can also prevent or even cure constipation, and prevent and treat diarrhea; anti-radiation, can reduce the damage caused by radiation sickness caused by various radioactive substances; handle carcinogens, there are many pre-carcinogens in the intestines that can convert pre-carcinogens into carcinogens enzymes, Bifidobacterium can inactivate these enzymes.

Lactobacilli, also called lactobacilli and lactobacilli, mainly colonize the middle and lower parts of the small intestine. Its benefits to human health are almost to the extent of "doing nothing good".

Nutritional functions: Lactic acid bacteria can produce lactase and synthesize B vitamins. Lactic acid bacteria are beneficial to the growth and reproduction of normal intestinal flora and can improve intestinal metabolism, digestion and respiratory functions.

Immune function: Lactic acid bacteria can significantly stimulate the formation of mucosal immunity. Lactobacilli can "fight" cooperatively with other intestinal flora, and are "hard friends" with Bifidobacterium. They often work together to defend against invading enemies and protect intestinal health.

Anti-aging function: There are fewer lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the intestines of the elderly than in young people. The intestinal environment gradually changes from acidic to alkaline, and harmful bacteria can easily take advantage of the weakness. The metabolites of lactic acid bacteria include many organic acids, of which lactic acid is particularly important. It can create a good intestinal metabolic environment, reduce harmful bacteria, and eliminate harmful substances, thereby prolonging life and anti-aging.