Should I wear glasses for mild myopia?


When your myopia is very strong, once you don't wear glasses it is like the world is mosaic, then needless to say, most people will wear glasses themselves. But the problem is that if it is only 100-200 degrees of myopia, it seems that you can still see without glasses, so is it okay to wear glasses at this time, or can you not wear glasses?

Let's start by looking at how the eyes see things

When our eyes are in normal condition, that is, there is no nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, parallel rays enter our eyes, through cornea, lens and other refractions, and eventually focus on the retina to form a clear image, the retina then transmits information through the nerve to the brain, and the brain center then comprehensively processes the images obtained by both eyes, and finally we can clearly see the object.

When we are short-sighted, in a relaxed state of adjustment, parallel rays enter the eye and will focus on the front of the retina, so a clear image cannot be formed on the retina. A concave lens is required to correct it so that light can be focused on the retina.

The reason why we are in a state of regulation and relaxation is because our eyes have the ability to adjust, especially children's ability to adjust is generally very strong. If you are not adjusting the state of relaxation, the degree detected is inaccurate.

This is also why clinically we need to dilate the pupil and then refraction when checking the degree for children, because only after the pupil is dilated, the adjustment of the eyes will be in a relaxed state, and the accurate degree can be found.

For children, should glasses be worn for low myopia?

For children, because the eyeballs are still developing, once myopia occurs, the degree will continue to progress, and many parents will have a feeling that they can no longer take them off after wearing glasses, and they feel that we simply don't wear glasses first.

In fact, this is not right, because the progress of the degree is related to the eyes themselves and eye habits, etc., and the correct wearing of glasses can not only help see things clearly, but also make myopia develop slower. This has been confirmed by many studies.

Moreover, if one eye sees things clearly, the other eye is blurred, which may affect the brain's binocular fusion function for a long time, which may not only inhibit the eyes with poor vision from seeing, thus becoming amblyopia, but also may affect the stereoscopic vision of both eyes.

If the images obtained on the retina of both eyes are blurry, not only can you see things clearly, affecting the learning and life of children, but also affect the visual development of the brain, and may also form amblyopia.

Therefore, for children, if the degree of refraction myopia after pupil dilation has exceeded 100 degrees, it is recommended to wear glasses in time.

So in adults, does it matter if you don't wear glasses for low-grade myopia?

Some people may find it difficult to wear glasses, or they may not feel comfortable wearing glasses, because for various reasons they have not worn glasses much, and they also feel that it is okay to see. There may even be a feeling that your vision seems to have improved after not wearing glasses for a while.

This is because many people confuse the concepts of vision and power. Our vision without glasses is called naked eye vision and is affected by many factors. The prescription detected by optometry can more accurately reflect the refractive condition of the eye. And the vision after wearing glasses is also corrected vision, which really reflects the ability of your retina to see things.

You may find that for example, two people whose corrected vision is 1.0 and their optometry is 300 degrees of myopia, if one person has not worn glasses and the other person has been wearing glasses, then their naked eye vision is likely to be different, and usually the person who does not wear glasses is better.

This is because, when you don't wear glasses for a long time, your retina has always been blurry, and your brain center may also adapt to this blurry image through a certain mechanism, as if we sometimes meet acquaintances on the road, in fact, do not really see his appearance clearly, but just a general outline we recognize.

Of course, if it is too vague, it will not be distinguished, so this ability still has requirements for the degree of ambiguity, which is why the degree is deep can really not be seen, and only a little degree still feel that not wearing glasses has little impact on their life.

But in fact, the eyes always tend to get the clearest imaging, so when you feel as if it is nothing, in fact, when you are looking at things, the eyes are already using adjustments, and it may cause eye fatigue for a long time

Always unable to see the world clearly, in fact, you may miss some important details in life, it is recommended that people who need it should wear glasses as much as possible.