The differences between men and women


Why do women age faster than men but live longer than men?

Some middle-aged women often complain that compared with men of similar age, why do they look older? Now, German scientists have confirmed through research that under normal circumstances, women's skin does age faster than men. It is reported that researchers used the method of shining infrared laser beams on human skin to observe the relationship between the deeper physiological conditions of the skin and skin aging. The results found that the content of substances that inhibit the growth of wrinkles in women decreases faster than that in men. It is this The reason is that women's skin ages faster than men of the same age.

Although women age faster than men, they live longer than men. Why is this? There is now growing evidence that men are more disposable than women, with their body cells inherently less durable than women. Many scientists believe that the length of life is determined by the number of subtle errors the body makes. And our ability to carry out cell self-repair determines the number of these subtle errors. This means that people with stronger repair abilities will experience fewer subtle errors in their bodies and live longer. And for those who are always unable to repair cells in time, their bodies will gradually age until they die.

Why are women more likely to gain weight than men?

Perhaps most female compatriots are confused: even if they consume fewer calories than men, they are still more likely to gain weight. Scientists believe the strange phenomenon may be related to sex hormones and have discovered a link between estrogen and fat storage during pregnancy. Under normal circumstances, women have 6% to 10% more body fat than men. Research shows that estrogen reduces women's energy consumption and allows more energy to be stored in the form of fat in the body. This is likely to be a natural law - allowing women to store more fat in preparation for future reproduction. Although the effect of estrogen on fat oxidation can partially explain the mechanism of fat storage, the factors leading to obesity are complex and include both genetic factors and environmental influences.

Why are women more afraid of the cold than men?

Many women feel cold hands and feet, while men's hands and feet are usually warmer than women's. Why are women more afraid of the cold than men? American experts have summarized the following reasons after research. First, men have more muscle and less fat, while women have less muscle and more fat. In the process of oxidizing carbohydrates and fats, muscles consume a large amount of calories and emit a large amount of heat energy. So men’s metabolism is fast and women’s metabolism is slow. Men burn more calories than women, and men's body surfaces are warmer than women's. Secondly, women are more sensitive to cold than men. This is because the "sensors" in women's skin are more sensitive than men's and will transmit "cold" information to the brain faster. After the brain receives the message of "cold", it will immediately order the metabolic system to speed up work, and then order the blood circulation system to retreat to the second line of defense, that is, to retreat from the skin, limbs to the trunk. This is why people feel cold hands and feet when the temperature is low. When the temperature drops to a level that is unbearable for the human body, the human body will instinctively overreact, that is, the metabolic process will be faster and the blood circulation will retreat faster. In this case, the differences between men and women are even more pronounced. In addition, modern medicine believes that because of the high estrogen content in women's bodies, the heat in the body is easily converted into fat and stored under the skin. Since women have a lower metabolic rate than men, the synthesis of heat is greater than the decomposition of heat, resulting in less heat release in the body. Coupled with the fact that women are generally less active, less heat is produced. Insufficient exercise often results in poor systemic or local blood circulation, resulting in coldness throughout the body, especially in peripheral parts such as hands and feet.

Men sweat more than women?

The latest research shows that men sweat more than women. Researchers divided men and women into two groups and rode exercise bikes indoors at a constant temperature of 30°C for one hour, and used a special device to measure their perspiration. The results show that women indeed perspire less than men. On average, men sweat twice as much as women during exercise. Men sweat twice as much as women at any one time on their foreheads, chests, forearms and thighs. Not only that, women also start to sweat later, which means they need to exercise longer before they sweat. In other words, women need their bodies to be warmer to start sweating.

In the process of human evolution, men were more involved in hunting activities, such as chasing antelopes over long distances, so they needed a more developed sweating function. This is a reasonable explanation. However, if women also need to do strenuous exercise, there may be some trouble. But there is a reason why women sweat less. Generally speaking, women have smaller bodies than men, so they can dissipate heat more easily. Less sweating conserves water and may be an important survival strategy in hot environments. And men's higher sweat output may be a strategy to make them more efficient at physical labor. A scientist explained: "Women are less able to withstand sweating because the amount of water in their bodies is less than men. Maybe women have other ways to dissipate heat. Their body surface area is larger compared to their volume. This It’s better at dissipating heat, just like small animals are better at dissipating heat than larger animals.”