The eyes are always itchy, what the hell is going on?


From opening your eyes before getting up to closing your eyes when you go to bed, your eyes are always at work, and you often feel that your eyes are itchy, and even rubbing them more and more. Thought you were on the computer for too long? In fact, it is possible that these three diseases are responsible.

1. Dry eye disease

Currently, one in five people suffers from dry eye.

The so-called dry eye syndrome is the dry and itchy eyes caused by abnormal tears on the surface of the eyes, the main reasons include insufficient tear secretion and excessive tear evaporation.

Modern people are facing computers and mobile phones as a whole, resulting in dry eye syndrome becoming younger and younger, and the number of patients is getting larger and larger. The main symptoms of dry eye syndrome include dry eyes, redness and itching, foreign body sensation and burning sensation, sometimes photophobia, easy tearing, and difficulty seeing.

prevention methods :

  • Blink more. Blink 1 time every 10 seconds to keep the eyeball moist.
  • Drop artificial tears. Mild dry eye syndrome can be relieved with artificial tears that do not contain preservatives and hormones.
  • Hot or cold compress. For dry eyes caused by poor secretion of meibomian glands, warm compresses can be applied once a day, each time for about 15 minutes; For dry eyes caused by reduced tear secretion, cold compresses can be applied once a day for about 30 minutes each time.

2. Conjunctivitis

The name may be unfamiliar, but you must have heard of pink eye.

Conjunctivitis is a common eye disease, and pink eye is one of the types. Conjunctivitis is generally caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, dust, smoke, improper wearing of contact lenses, etc., and the more common and high incidence is not only pink eye, but also allergic conjunctivitis.

Seasonal change is a time of high incidence of conjunctivitis, especially in spring and autumn, and common symptoms include red and itchy eyes, increased discharge, sometimes inability to open eyes, and frequent tearing. If inflammation affects the cornea, it may also cause other complications that can lead to vision loss.

prevention methods :

  • Stay away from allergens. Dust, fly are common allergens, should be avoided as much as possible, do not go to dirty environment.
  • Maintain personal hygiene. Wash hands frequently, do not rub your eyes, wash and disinfect personal items in time, and do not mix with others to prevent contact with infection.
  • Keep your eyes clean. A cotton ball can be dampened with clean or sterile water to scrub the eyelashes.
  • Avoid staying in places with a lot of smoke and dust and keep your eyeballs moist. Another characteristic of conjunctivitis is that the conjunctiva is dry, and smoke and dust can easily lead to dry conjunctiva and infection and inflammation.
  • Supplement nutrients. Vitamin A and vitamin C supplementation can help protect the eyes from further inflammation while also promoting tissue recovery.

3. Mites

Did you know that 1 mite can scale to 500,000 in half a month?

Mites are mainly active in hair follicles and sebaceous glands, so the eyelashes and meibomian glands of the eyes are a good place for them to live, and if you often lose eyelashes, it is likely that mites are messing around.

Mites in the process of entering and exiting will bring eyelashes, skin surface bacteria into the gland, at the same time they will phagocytose hair follicle epithelial cells, causing hair follicles to expand, resulting in eyelash loss, chaos, red itchy eyes and a series of problems, if not removed mites in time, it will cause gland infection inflammation, and even cause various types of inflammation, affecting the cornea, will cause vision loss and even blindness.

prevention methods :

  • Clean the base of the eyelashes. Use a cotton pad to moisten some non-irritating baby shampoo and make circular motions on the eyes, turning each eye 10 times left and right.
  • Wash bedding with hot water once a month, soak in hot water above 54°C, and wash personal hygiene products.
  • Keep the room ventilated. Frequently clean, wash and dry indoor items, and often open windows for ventilation to keep indoor areas that cannot be exposed to the sun dry.

Eye tips

A few small ways to do it every day to prevent eye diseases and act early:

  • Exercise for 1 hour a day, healthy and regular work and rest, improve the body's immunity.
  • Use your eyes for 40 minutes and look away for a few minutes to relieve eye fatigue and reduce eye discomfort.
  • Eat 300g~500 fruits and vegetables every day. Eat less spicy and greasy foods, eat a light diet, and supplement vitamins.
  • Change and wash every day and clean the accommodation every week. Clean frequently, wash frequently, maintain personal hygiene and environmental hygiene, and prevent the growth of bacteria.