What is lutein?


Lutein, also known as "eye gold", is the most important nutrient in the human retina. It is found in the macular area (center of vision) and lens of the retina of the eye, especially the macula with high concentrations of lutein. Lutein is an important antioxidant and is a member of the carotenoid family, also known as "phytoprogesterone". Co-exists with zealgesterone in nature. Scientific studies have shown that lutein is the only carotenoid found in the retina and lens of the eye, an element that the human body cannot make on its own and must be supplemented by external ingestion.

Without this element, the eye will become blind. Ultraviolet rays and blue light from sunlight entering the eye produce a large number of free radicals, leading to cataracts, macular degeneration, and even cancer. Lutein can filter blue light, decompose strong light and ultraviolet damage to the human eye, thereby avoiding blue light damage to the eyes, preventing vision degeneration and blindness caused by lutein deficiency, so lutein is also known as the protector of the eyes.

What does lutein do?

  • The main pigment components of the retina: lutein and zeaxanthin constitute the main components of vegetable pigments such as vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc., and are also the main pigments of the macular area of the retina of the human eye. Human eyes contain high amounts of lutein, an element that the human body cannot make and must be supplemented by ingesting lutein. Without this element, the eye will become blind.
  • Protect the eyes from light damage, delay the aging of the eyes and prevent lesions: ultraviolet rays and blue light in sunlight entering the eyes will produce a large number of free radicals, resulting in cataracts, macular degeneration, and even cancer. Ultraviolet rays can generally filter out the cornea and lens of the eye, but blue light can penetrate the eyeball to the retina and macula, and lutein in the macula can filter out blue light to avoid blue damage to the eyes. The macular area is particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage by sunlight, making this area highly susceptible to degeneration.
  • Antioxidant, help prevent cardiovascular sclerosis, coronary heart and tumor diseases caused by aging.
  • 4. Protect vision: lutein as an antioxidant and photoprotective, can promote the regeneration of rhodopsin in retinal cells, can prevent severe myopia and retinal peeling, and can be used to improve vision protection for myopia, amblyopia, strabismus, cataracts, keratoconjunctival xerosis, macular degeneration, retinal degeneration, etc. Especially suitable for students, drivers to eat.
  • Relieve symptoms of eye fatigue: (blurred vision, dry eyes, eye swelling, eye pain, photophobia).
  • Improve the density of macular pigment, protect yellow spots, and promote the development of macula.
  • Prevent macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa.

Lutein prevents vision loss

As people age, their vision gradually declines, and some people show cataracts. It is often thought that this is caused by the aging of physical functions. But the latest research suggests that vision loss is associated with vitamin deficiencies in the body.

Two causes of vision loss

  • Temporarily withstand ultraviolet radiation. The lens cells of the eye are important made up of crystalline proteins. These proteins, like optical fibers, allow light to pass through and reach the retina to form vision. Ultraviolet light and any kind of visible light can pass through the transparent lens. When the lens is temporarily exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the lipids, proteins and other components in it will be damaged. The accumulation of damaged proteins will gradually change from translucent to cloudy, forming cataracts and damaging vision.
  • Lack of vitamins. In the lens, there is a high concentration of antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin E, as well as a little carotene lutein and zeaxanthin. They can be useful in blocking damage caused by UV rays and free radicals. According to experts at the USDA's focus on nutrient research for the elderly, the more damaged proteins in the lens and the fewer proteases and antioxidants that play a maintenance role, the easier it is for the lens to show cataracts and macular degeneration.

Diet can block and stop vision loss

In 2001, in order to understand the relationship between turbidity and nutrient intake in the lens nuclear region, the USDA Center for Nutrition for the Elderly conducted a follow-up survey of 478 women aged 53~73 without diabetes and cataracts for 13~15 years. The consequences indicated that women with adequate nutrient intake had a lower incidence of cataracts compared with women with the lowest intake of vitamin C, vitamin E, riboflavin, folic acid, shuntene, β carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin; Women who have been eating vitamin C tablets for more than 10 years are 64% less likely to develop cataracts than women who have never taken vitamin C tablets.

Lutein, zeaxanthin and carp are important in blocking the appearance of cataracts, even if the concentration in the lens is low. Spinach, kale, and broccoli are reported to have the highest levels of lutein and zeaxanthin, and sphenin is highest in cooked tomatoes.

Blocking stops macular degeneration at the center of gravity of the retina, which has a macula with a diameter of 3 mm. It is a visual tissue that plays a key role in the eye. The breakdown of light-sensitive cells is a factor that triggers age-related macular degeneration. Senile macular degeneration is an important cause of vision loss and blindness in the elderly. According to the report of the National Institute of Ophthalmology, the investigation has proved that the blue light with high energy in sunlight has the strongest damage to the retina, and lutein and zeaxanthin in the macula can absorb blue light and eliminate free radicals, so it has the effect of maintaining the retina.

After entering old age, due to temporary photodamage, the demand for these two pigments in the eyes gradually increases. Lutein is about 6~7 times the demand for zeaxanthin. When blood circulates to the macula, these two pigments travel from the outer layer of the macula to the center of gravity and stay there. The study found that in the eyes of people with macular degeneration, the concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin were lower than in those without macular degeneration. Explain that lutein and zeaxanthin have a protective effect on the macula.

Researchers at the University of Manchester in the United States divided macular degeneration and those who wish to take a daily preparation containing 15% natural lutein for 18 weeks. After 12 weeks, the concentration of macular pigment increased in both groups. People who already show macular degeneration in one eye respond equally well to lutein supplementation. This makes it possible to apply lutein and zeaz to never delay or block the development of macular degeneration.

Eat more tomatoes and dark green vegetables

At present, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) have established that the daily intake of lutein and zeaxanthin per person is 2 mg/kg body weight. For example, a group of people weighing 70 kg should consume 140 mg of lutein and zeaxanthin per day. This new norm will be published in an official document of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the Union and the World Health Organization.

Dark green vegetables and yellow fruits are important food sources for our intake of lutein and zeaxanthin. With 15.8 mg per 100 grams of cooked kale and 7.1 mg per 100 grams of cooked spinach, they are the two vegetables with the most lutein. Also rich in lutein are romaine lettuce, broccoli, corn, green peas, cabbage and egg yolks.

Even if supplementation does not restore lost vision, it can help patients in the middle and early stages to maintain the remaining vision. Therefore, for people of all ages, eating more tomatoes and dark green vegetables has a maintenance effect on maintaining vision.