Why do bees sting?


In fact, bees don’t like to sting people because it is a way of killing both of them. When everyone sees bees, their first thought is that they are afraid of being stung. However, everyone does not know that bees will die after stinging people. Worker bees usually sting people. They usually keep their needles inside their bodies, but when they are attacked, they will extend their needles from their bodies. Bees do not sting people or other animals for no reason, it is simply their instinct of self-defense.

Why do people die after bees sting them?

As we all know, there is a needle at the end of the bee's tail. This needle is connected to the venom glands in the body, so it is a venomous needle. Poisonous stingers are bees' self-defense weapons in nature. When encountering an enemy attack, bees will pierce their stingers into the enemy's body and then release venom, giving the enemy a severe blow. When a bee stings its poisonous needle into the skin of a human body, and then pulls out the poisonous needle, it cannot be pulled out because the small barbs are firmly hooked on the skin. The poisonous needle is connected to the internal organs. When the bee stings the person and flies away, part of the internal organs is also pulled out. The bees have lost important internal organs and will die soon.

Why are the bees that sting mostly worker bees?

Usually the bees that sting are worker bees. This is because the worker bees are incompletely developed female bees, and the stingers are actually incompletely developed ovipositors. Because they are not fully developed, after they sting, their internal organs will be taken out together. The queen bee's ovipositor is fully developed, so she will not die after stinging people, but the queen bee generally does not use poisonous stingers to attack enemies. Drone bees don't sting because they don't have ovipositors.

What to do after being stung by a bee

  1. Wash the stung area with soap and water.
  2. If the stinger of a bee stings the skin, you can try to remove the stinger, but do not squeeze the sting site.
  3. Apply ice to the sting to reduce pain and swelling. If the pain is unbearable, you can also take painkillers.
  4. Even if the stung area is painful and itchy, do not scratch it with your hands, because doing so will cause more serious itching, swelling and even local infection. You can take some anti-allergic drugs if necessary.
  5. Under normal circumstances, bee stings will only cause local skin discomfort. If severe redness, swelling, rash, fever, difficulty breathing and other symptoms occur, you must seek medical treatment in time.