How to prevent myopia


Myopia is a refractive error in which light from distant objects enters the eye and focuses in front of the retina when the eyes relax their accommodation. Myopia is a common disease worldwide

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Is there any benefit to staying up late?


Occasionally pulling an all-nighter can increase antidepressant mood, but the study authors caution people against staying up late specifically to combat depression. After all, the antidepressant effect obtained at the expense of sleep is short-lived, and

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Why do you always get gastrointestinal upset when flying?


When you're on a plane, you may feel like you're constantly passing gas. In addition to increased gas, some people may experience gastrointestinal problems during air travel.

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Shiitake mushrooms must be cooked thoroughly before eating


If a person eats raw shiitake mushrooms without cooking or directly, the mushroom polysaccharides enter the human body for about 24 hours, which may cause the eater to have erythema all over the body, streaked itch rash, not only on the back and limbs, bu

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What is botulinum


Clostridium botulinum is a notorious food pathogen. When it reproduces vigorously, it will produce an extremely poisonous and deadly toxin - botulinum toxin. If humans accidentally eat it, it will cause botulinum toxin poisoning.

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How does dry eye syndrome form and how to prevent and treat it?


Many white-collar workers who work in office buildings often experience dry, itchy, or even burning eyes, making them want to shed tears. As a result, when they went to the hospital for diagnosis, they were told by an ophthalmologist that they might have

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Can vitamin D fight cancer?


Vitamin D is a sterol derivative that has an anti-rickets effect and is also called an anti-rickets vitamin. The most important members of the vitamin D family are vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol).

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The differences between men and women


It is obvious that there are obvious differences between men and women, which are determined by different innate physiological functions.

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Do cancer-fighting foods exist?


Judging from current research, a single food or food component cannot fight cancer. If you pin your anti-cancer hopes on one kind of food or a certain food ingredient, you are putting all your eggs in one basket, and you are likely to be in vain.

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How sweet drinks ruin our health?


Sweetened beverages may seem safe, but drinking too many sweetened beverages over the years can increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer, leading to the early death of the drinker.

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