The easiest way to maintain your ideal weight


Weight management is a topic of common concern. Many people abstain from eating in order to achieve their ideal weight, but are always troubled by weight loss failure or weight regain, and more people are dissatisfied with their weight but helpless.

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What is hypothermia?


The medical community defines hypothermia as the loss of heat in the human body greater than the heat replenishment, causing the temperature of the core area of the human body to decrease, and producing a series of symptoms such as chills and cardiopulmon

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What is a hormone?


Endocrine is a unique system in the human body, which covers the whole body and comprehensively regulates the physiological activities of the human body by secreting various hormones, such as bone growth and development, sexual maturity during puberty, bl

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Relying on coffee to refresh is actually "consuming" energy ahead of time


Coffee has been drunk by humans for more than 3,000 years. It is one of the most widely used beverages in the world, and people love the refreshing effect of coffee, and the wisps of rich aroma are intoxicating.

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Taking a nap in the morning won't make you more tired


Researchers have long wondered whether napping after an alarm goes off in the morning affects wakefulness and sleep quality.

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What is the smell of a sun-dried quilt?


In life, we will find that the quilt that has been exposed to the sun will have a very good smell, which is often called "the smell of the sun" or "the smell of the sun"

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Why does the skin itch as soon as you exercise in winter?


In daily life, many people will have itchy skin symptoms after exercise, especially in cold and dry winter, the skin of the legs, face, and arms may appear itchy after exercise, but it will disappear after stopping to rest for a while.

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How to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible mushrooms?


Mushrooms are a rare delicacy, but many are poisonous, how to tell the difference between them

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What to do if you are burned at home?


Scalds are a very common tissue damage disease caused by hot liquids, solids, and hot steam.

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How to deal with dry itching on the body in winter?


Winter pruritus is mainly because winter is relatively cold and dry, which will constrict skin blood vessels, cause sebaceous glands to atrophy, resulting in reduced sebum, aggravating human skin dryness, and causing nerve endings distributed in the skin

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