Who creates dioxin?


Scientists have found that dioxins have two important natural sources - forest fires and the decomposition of chlorophenols

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Dioxins - the most poisonous substance known


Dioxins are a general term for a class of chemical substances. There are 210 chemical substances that have been discovered that can be classified as dioxin, 17 of which can cause great harm to the human body.

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After 38 years of absence, Halley’s Comet finally begins to return


When we talk about comets, we all think of Halley's Comet. It is indeed the most famous comet. It comes near the earth every 76 years and looks very bright every time, so it has received unique attention.

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Never heat plastic lunch boxes in the microwave!


Microwave heating results in the highest release of microplastics and nanoplastics into food, with more than 2 billion nanoplastics and 4 million microplastics released per square centimeter of container

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Put down your vitamin tablets! it does not prevent cancer


Due to the increasing popularity of health concepts, more and more people are paying attention to the role of vitamins. And choose to take in extra vitamins in addition to your daily diet, using nutritional supplements such as vitamin tablets.

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Nobel Prize Winners in Physiology or Medicine---Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman


American scientists Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman were awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of nucleoside base modifications that enable the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19.

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What causes pharyngitis?


There are many causes of pharyngitis. If it is acute pharyngitis, it needs symptomatic treatment. If it causes difficulty in breathing, you need to go to the hospital for emergency treatment.

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Moderate coffee intake daily reduces risk of all-cause mortality


After analyzing all the data, the study concluded that moderate drinking of sugar-free or sweetened coffee, that is, 1.5-3.5 cups per day, can reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease death.

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The optimal sleep duration is not 8 hours?


Is the optimal sleep duration really 8 hours? More and more studies have found that this may be a cognitive misunderstanding!

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The role of folic acid


Vitamins are indispensable substances for the human body. They play an important role in the growth, metabolism, and development of the human body. If a certain vitamin is lacking for a long time, specific diseases will occur.

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