Over 90% of adults have latent herpes zoster virus in their bodies!


Relevant studies show that more than 90% of adults have the "herpes zoster virus" lurking in their bodies. As age increases, the function of the immune system declines, and the risk of developing herpes zoster shows an increasing trend.

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World's first CRISPR gene editing therapy approved for marketing


A disease therapy based on CRISPR gene editing technology has received conditional marketing approval from the UK's Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), becoming the world's first CRISPR gene editing therapy approved by a regulatory

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Why women live longer than men?


For more than a century, women in the United States have lived longer than men.

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Why does the brain delete memories from before the age of 2?


During holidays and festivals, when relatives gather together, the most common thing they say is, "Do you remember when you were first born, I even hugged you?" Faced with the hopeful little gazes from relatives, most people can only laugh and their minds

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After being hypnotized, can people only be obedient?


There are many gaps between the artistic treatment of hypnosis in popular culture and the hypnotherapy used in medicine in reality. On the one hand, this gap gives hypnosis a layer of mystery, and on the other hand, it also causes the public to have many

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Plastic waste in the ocean


Fishing nets, packaging bags and other debris threaten wildlife in some coral reef ecosystems deep in the ocean.

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You can’t lose weight just by relying on willpower!


When many people are losing weight, they may find that it is more difficult for them to control their appetite than others, and their eating disorders are more serious. You may even blame yourself for your poor willpower and create a psychological burden

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Miraculous animals that don’t have cancer


The magical animals in nature are endless treasures for humans to find cures and improve the quality of life. Among them, the naked mole rat is undoubtedly a shining star.

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How to rejuvenate hematopoietic stem cells


Viral infections, anemia or leukemia, and tumors are often more likely to occur in the elderly, which is closely related to the low function of the immune system associated with age.

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Reducing single-use cutlery with green nudges: Evidence from China’s food-delivery industry


We estimate that if green nudges were applied to all of China, more than 21.75 billion sets of single-use cutlery could be saved annually, which is equivalent to preventing the generation of 3.26 million metric tons of plastic waste and saving 5.44 millio

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