Where does water on Earth come from?


Researchers believe meteorites may have brought water to Earth, but there is fierce debate over how much water meteorites brought.

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What color is the sun?


What color is the sun? I guess the answer for most people is yellow. But sometimes the sun appears white when viewed through the camera. In fact, this issue involves many complex factors

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Can eating spicy food cause death?


It happened over the weekend when 14-year-old Harris Wolobah ate a corn chip flavored with the world's hottest chili pepper at school. The boy from Worcester, Massachusetts, died hours later.

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What is going on in your brain when you are about to die?


What happens when we actually die - the heart stops beating and brain waves flatline?

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Why are the most beautiful diamonds in the world found in Australia?


For nearly 40 years, Western Australia's Argyle diamond mine has been one of nature's most outstanding treasures. At its peak, the Argyle mines produced more colored diamonds than anywhere else on Earth

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Eating less vitamin B5 can also slow down tumor growth?


Researchers fed mice with tumors a diet deficient in vitamin B5 and found that tumor growth was significantly slower than in mice fed a standard diet.

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The life-extending benefits of fasting only occur at a young age


Among various dietary interventions, intermittent fasting has always attracted much attention. Its execution process is not complicated and requires only consuming food during specific time windows and fasting at other times, so it is more easily accepted

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Air pollution in India skyrockets


On November 10, local time, the Diwali festival in India kicked off. Setting off fireworks during this festival, which is as important as the Chinese Spring Festival, is a local traditional custom and has also ushered in a new round of deterioration in th

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When did humans start becoming obese?


We usually think of lifestyle and diet as the main causes of obesity, but humans became less active and ate more high-calorie or highly processed foods only gradually emerged in the late 20th century, which does not explain the gradual increase in obesity

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Exercising in the morning and afternoon can better prevent diabetes


Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar, affecting 537 million people worldwide, 90% of whom are type 2 diabetes. Diabetes has been listed as one of the four major non-communicable diseases by the United Nations and is the main cau

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