Sun protection also prevents cancer


Many people may think that sun protection is just for beauty, but this is not the case. Excessive ultraviolet rays will not only darken our skin, cause sun spots, accelerate wrinkles, and increase the risk of skin cancer

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Second pig heart transplant patient dies nearly six weeks after surgery


According to an obituary released by the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the world's second patient to receive a pig heart transplant died nearly six weeks after the operation. The time of death was October 30, local time.

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Microplastic particles everywhere


From clothing to food to food packaging and even in the air, these tiny plastic particles are all around us and we can never truly get rid of them

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Why are more and more people using sun cream and the incidence of skin cancer increasing?


Statistics show that approximately 65% of melanoma and 90% of non-melanoma skin cancers are directly related to UV exposure. Therefore, reducing UV exposure to the skin is one of the key strategies for preventing skin cancer.

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Starships keep exploding and iterating


The successive failures of starships have allowed SpaceX to learn from the explosions and improve the design, moving one step closer to success.

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Starship launched for the second time, one step closer to success


At 7:03 a.m. Central Time on November 18, the SpaceX starship was ignited and lifted off from the Starbase launch site in Texas. This is the second orbital test of the Starship.

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Are fruit ripening agents safe?


Plant growth regulators are also called plant hormones, so some people think that ripening agents contain "hormones". In fact, this view is wrong. Plant hormones do not cause premature puberty in humans and animals.

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Hazardous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons


In fact, we are no strangers to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. I believe many people know that kebabs and fried foods contain carcinogens. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are a type of strong carcinogen.

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Which resource is the scarcest in the world?


Will the mineral resources on which modern society depends one day be exhausted? Which resource will be exhausted first?

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Aspirin – another form of salicylic acid


If you haven’t heard of salicylic acid, you must have heard of aspirin, which is actually another identity of salicylic acid.

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