microbes in the gut


The intestine is the largest micro-ecosystem in the human body, in which the number of "resident" bacteria even exceeds the number of the body's own cells. If the bacteria in a person's gut were connected, they would be able to circle the earth two and a

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Why use aluminum foil blister packaging for medicines?


As a special commodity, medicines are inseparable from the protection of pharmaceutical packaging throughout the entire chain from leaving the factory to use. Therefore, whether drug packaging is scientific and reasonable is directly related to the safety

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Why do people age?


The quest for eternal life seems unattainable, and people are turning to the desire to live healthier and longer. In order to achieve this goal, we first need to answer the question – why do people age?

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China hopes to realize "artificial sun"


China's "artificial sun" has set a new world record and successfully achieved stable plasma operation for 403 seconds. This is of great significance to improving the economy and feasibility of nuclear fusion energy and accelerating the realization of nucl

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How to prevent and treat Candida auris infection


Candida auris can live in the environment for several weeks and can cause "explosive" transmission in healthcare settings. If the diagnosis is inaccurate and the treatment is not timely, the patient will become more sick and at risk of death

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What is Candida auris infection?


Candida auris is one of the few fungi in Candida that can infect humans, and can invade the bloodstream and infect the heart, brain and other vital organs of the human body.

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Calcium in daily life


Calcium is an essential element for living organisms. In the human body, there are calcium-bound proteins in muscles, nerves, body fluids and bones

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From aspartame to carcinogens


Beverages that claim to be "sugar-free" or "zero sugar" taste sweet because they contain artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame. IARC officially issued a report classifying aspartame as "Category 2B" Possible carcinogen"

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Do you know how east, west, north, and south are determined?


At the beginning of human civilization, we went through a long period of ignorance and had no concept of direction. When humans began to try to determine their orientation, the most intuitive sign they could rely on was the sun in the sky.

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The Immortal Achievements of Gibberellin


The dwarf stem characteristics caused by gibberellin abnormalities allow crops to reduce nutrient allocation to stem elongation and increase nutrient allocation to seed growth, thereby increasing crop yields.

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