Why do dogs love to gnaw bones?


In our understanding, it is their nature for dogs to love chewing bones. When a dog happily chews a bone, it is a very cute scene in everyone's eyes. But the facts tell us that this so-called "nature" is very dangerous and even fatal to dogs.

Today we will talk about the possible problems caused by dogs eating bones. When you face the dog’s eyes eager for bones again in front of you, you must consider it carefully.

Why do dogs love to eat bones?

First of all, bones represent deliciousness and nutrition to dogs. Bone marrow is rich in fat and has a high calcium content. The meat left on the bones contains a lot of protein. The process of chewing the bones is a very enjoyable time for the dog. It satisfies their natural desire to chew. Chewing also stimulates the release of endorphins, hormones important in increasing a dog's sense of well-being.

The harm caused by chewing bones to dogs

The first is oral problems. When dogs chew on hard bones, it is likely to stimulate them to bite more crazily, leading to broken teeth and injuries to the mouth and tongue. Many of the bone fragments chewed by dogs are also likely to get stuck around their jaws, which is very painful for the dog and difficult for the owner to identify the problem.

If a dog swallows chewed bone fragments, the bones can also cause internal damage, possibly becoming lodged in the esophagus and trachea on their way into the dog's stomach. What's more serious is that bones that are too big will prevent them from entering the intestines through the stomach and cause blockage. If they get stuck in the dog's stomach, the dog will need surgery.

Bones (especially poultry and fish bones!) can turn into sharp fragments when chewed by dogs. When they pass through the gastrointestinal tract, they scratch the inside of the dog's large intestine and rectum, which can also cause diarrhea and vomiting in dogs with poor gastrointestinal problems.

What to do if you bite without bones?

Although bones are very harmful to dogs, all dogs need to chew, which is related to keeping chewing muscles strong, teeth clean and brain development. Therefore, for the physical and mental health of dogs, we need to choose "chew snacks" for dogs that can replace bones.

If you don’t pick out the right alternatives for your dog, they’ll be looking for their own chewable “treats,” your favorite shoes, the legs of your dining room chairs, the cords of your TV, your arms…

Criteria for choosing dog snacks

Regardless of whether it is a large dog or a small dog, owners should stick to the following items when choosing snacks for their dogs:

  1. Pay attention to the ingredients and appearance of pet snacks and whether they contain too many additives.
  2. In terms of appearance, do not choose unnatural colors as well as bright colors.

  3. Choose the right time to give your dog snacks
  4. During training, if the dog does the right action, it can be rewarded with snacks in time.

  5. Obese dogs pick ‘vegan’ treats
  6. When a dog has too much body fat, owners should pay attention to choosing "vegetarian" snacks for the dog, and do not give the dog snacks containing sugar.

  7. When your dog doesn’t eat, don’t use snacks instead of meals

Dogs will think that there are delicious snacks waiting for them even if they don’t eat dog food, and they will develop the habit of not eating. At this time, the owner can mix the snacks into the dog's food and let the dog eat them together.