Food additives in the air - nitrogen


Nitrogen can eliminate air, create an oxygen-deficient environment, inhibit the growth of bacteria and mold, and extend the shelf life of food. At the same time, it can prevent the oxidation of oils, natural pigments, and micronutrients, maintain the orig

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Would you buy cookies?


Many people think that biscuits are delicious and easy to carry. They can satisfy hunger and serve as snacks. Nowadays, many biscuits are labeled with health labels such as "whole grain" and "sugar-free", so they are even more popular.

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Why does mutton has got a strong smell ?


The mutton smell mainly comes from fat, which is related to dozens of ingredients. The most recognized and typical ingredients are 4-methyloctanoic acid, 4-ethyloctanoic acid and 4-methylnonanoic acid, of which the first two play a major role.

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There are many types of disinfectants, Did you choose the right one?


What types of household disinfectants are common in our daily lives? What are the characteristics of each of them? How to choose the most suitable disinfectant? What matters need to be paid attention to when using it?

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Love stone – ruby


Red symbolizes passion and enthusiasm, and ruby has been given the same meaning. In the gemstone family, it is deeply loved by people in love and is known as the "stone of love."

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Why do foods need additives?


Many people are confused and curious about the use of food additives. For example, are food additives necessary? Is it really not harmful to the human body if added? Are there any benefits to using food additives?

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Is "zero additives" really safe?


In order to cater to people's distaste for talking about "additives", various "zero additive" foods have begun to flood the market, becoming a new strategy for many companies to flaunt health and raise prices.

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Salicylic acid–a powerful assistant in beauty and skin care


It bears the important task of plants resisting external aggression and is the "superhero" in plants. In terms of beauty and skin care, it exerts miraculous effects and can be described as a rare "treasure".

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Protect your hearing as early as possible


Hearing impairment not only causes communication barriers, but also causes a variety of psychological problems, seriously affecting the social interactions and personal quality of life of hearing-impaired people.

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Sulfur in daily life


Sulfur plays an indispensable role in the human body. It is one of the most important elements in living organisms. The main way we obtain sulfur is through protein in food.

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